Excel For Engineers

  1. Excel For Engineers Course
  2. Excel For Engineers Pdf
  3. Excel For Engineers Pdf

Regardless of the field, engineers are bound to use Microsoft Excel. This program is now considered a standard in conveying, transferring, interpreting, computing, and even analyzing information and numbers for engineering designs and methods. Big blitz car alarm challenge. Excel is even considered as the most common engineering tool. Completely updated guide for students, scientists and engineers who want to use Microsoft Excel 2013 to its full potential. Cisco webex download mac. Electronic spreadsheet analysis has become part of the everyday work of researchers in all areas of engineering and science. Microsoft Excel, as the industry standard spreadsheet, has a range of scientific functions that. Excel is a great software for engineering calculations because it can combine data tables, charts and even engineering formulas under the same application.As far as civil engineering is concerned, Excel can do regular calculations such as cost estimates, schedule and cost control, and markup estimation, as well as structural calculations of.

Our 2-day hands-on Excel VBA training gives you the essential Excel VBA skills and design strategies to create automated modeling, analysis, and reporting tools for engineering and science. Key topics include:

  • Complete Visual Basic editor, module, and procedure review for engineers and scientists More >
  • Complete Excel VBA Language review for engineers and scientists More >
  • Using Excel VBA to control worksheet based model and analysis problems More >
  • Finding and analyzing worksheet data in Excel VBA using functions, logic, and expressions More >
  • Tracking, shaping, and formatting engineering and science worksheet tables with Excel VBA More >
  • Controlling engineering and science data in workbooks, worksheets, and text files More >
  • Creating custom VBA worksheet functions (UDF's) to solve tough engineering and science calculations More >
  • Creating rapid engineering and science reporting tools by automating key Excel data tools with VBA More >
  • Collecting, processing, and searching worksheet data with VBA loops and logic More >
  • Scanning for engineering and science data in multiple workbooks and worksheets More >
  • Automating engineering and science chart construction with Excel VBA More >

Engineering Mathematics

Graphing Calculator: A set of 3 tools - a function plotter, function analyser and a parametric function plotter.
First order ODE Solver: Application for solving 1st order ODE of the form y' + y a(x) = b(x)
Second order ODE Solver: Application for solving 2nd order Ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficients.
Coupled ODE Solver: Application for solving upto 10 coupled Ordinary Differential Equations. This app can also be used for solving Differential Algebraic Equations and Partial Differential Equations.
Sequences and Series: Application for plotting upto 1000 terms of a sequence and the corresponding series.
Linear Equation Solver: Application for solving upto 20 simultaneous equationsEngineers
Non-linear Equation Solver: Application for finding multiple real solutions of a non-linear equation
Simultaneous Non-linear Equation Solver: This is a template that uses the Solver tool in Excel to solve a set of non-linear equations
Descriptive Statistics: Dynamic version of the Descriptive Statistics and histogram tools in Excel

Signals and Systems

Discrete Fourier Transform: Application for analyzing the frequencies contained in a given signal.
FIR Filter Analysis: Application for computing the frequency response of an FIR filter with upto 30 coefficients
Bode Plot Generator: Application for generating a Bode plot given a transfer function of the form (a+bs)e-ts/(g+hs)
Bode Plot using Complex Functions: Application for generating a Bode plot for a rational polynomial transfer function upto order 5
Nyquist Plot Generator: Application for generating a Nyquist plot given a transfer function of the form (a+bs)e-ts/(g+hs)
Nichols Plot Generator: Application for generating a Nichols plot given a transfer function of the form (a+bs)e-ts/(g+hs)
Laplace to Time Domain Converter: Application for displaying step response of a system whose Laplace transform is (n1s + n2) / (s2 + d1s + d2)
Filter Analysis and Simulation: Analysis and Simulation of high and low pass filters
Image Processing: Application that runs image processing alogrithms


Technical Stock Analysis: Application for analysing historical stock data using Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) plots
Returns from non-periodic cash flows: Template for calculating the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) of an investment that generates non-periodic cash flows. Calculations are updated automatically when new data is added

Production Scheduling

Batch Scheduler: Brute force application for scheduling batches to minimize production times

Instrumentation & Control

PI Control of First Order Process: Application for analysing performance of a feedback control system consisting of a Proportional and Integral (PI) controller and a first order process
PI Control of Integrating Process: Application for analysing performance of a feedback control system consisting of a Proportional and Integral (PI) controller and an integrating process
Ziegler Nichols Tuning Calculator: Application to calculate the tuning paratmeters using the closed loop Ziegler Nichols tuning rules
RGA Calculator: Application to work out the Relative Gain Array used in multivariable control design
Instrument Loop Drawings: Application for generating instrument loop drawings in PDF format
Data Sheets: Application for generating instrument datasheets in PDF format. The template can be modified to generate data sheets for other devices or products
Instrument Callibration Chart: Generates a callibration table and chart for instrument transmiiter callibration and loop check

Excel For Engineers Course

Excel OPC Client: Application for getting real time data into Excel using OPC


Simulation of a logic circuit for alarming: An animated simulation of a boolean circuit that generates audio and visual alarms
Little Man Computer: Simulation of the Little Man Computer (LMC) Model of a CPU

Excel For Engineers Pdf

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to 7 segment display circuit: Simulation of a circuit that takes in a Binary Coded Decimal input and decodes it to drive a 7 segment LED display
Simulation of On Off Control: Simulation of a control loop consisting of a first order process with time delay and an On Off controller (also known as Bang-Bang controller).
Simulation of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): Simulation of a PLC running ladder logicExcel For Engineers
PID Loop Simulator: Simulation of a control loop consisting of a first order process with time delay and a PID controller
Simulation of a Model Predictive Controller: Simulation of an MPC on a first order process with time delay
Oscilloscope / Function Generator Simulator: Simulation of a single channel analog Oscilloscope connected to a Function Generator
Simulation of Diffusion in 1 Dimension: Simulation of a dye diffusing up a liquid column.
Simulation of Pendulum Waves

Art & Animation

Expecto Petronam!: Lightning from a wand created using the glow effect in Excel 2010 charts. Inspired by the Harry Potter series :) Excel for engineers
Digital Rain: Simulation of the digital rain effect, made popular by the movie Matrix

Excel For Engineers Pdf

3 Wheel Spirograph: A simulation of the spirograph toy, it can simulate 2 or 3 wheels
Mandelbrot Fractal Generator: Excel is used for an unusual application - generating images of fractals
Psychedelic Mandelbrot Set: Conditional Formatting features of Excel 2007 and later are used to create these beautiful fractals
Animated Charts: Creating animation with Excel charts
Animation without Charts: Creating animation without using charts