Fastspring Capture One

So I go thru their delightful coupon upgrade on the fastspring platform. The code to quote them ”does not exist.” Try different browsers. Open a ticket and go round and round with “support.” Today, exactly at noon, after three days I get an email from capture one with a form to install my 20 upgrade. FastSpring Account is not sending me the email I need to move forward. It is very frustrating to have to keep setting up more steps to view my history, but even worse because it's not working. I know it is not being blocked because I have checked my Junk folder and Spam Filter.

History of all released versions of abeMeda (and CDWinder)

As you can see, for almost 20 years, we have been constantlyupdating and improving abeMeda/CDWinder.
Current Version of abeMeda forWindows:

7.4 (February 12th,2021)

  • abeMeda now offers shared hierarchicalkeywords
    - keywords can now be grouped, and are stored with your (shared)database, and not each individual installation anymore.
    - abeMeda stores keywords in tabbed text files, and also sharesthem cross-platform with NeoFinder!
  • added editable XMP annotations / customfields
    - you can define a list of annotations that will be offered forediting on every XMP-capable file. the list is also shared for allusers.
    - there are also new extended find options for theseannotations
  • abeMeda now also catalogs 'Events' and adds them to therespective item as a custom field.
  • abeMeda now finally comes with a frenchtranslation
  • abeMeda now reads and stores information about videos'bitrate, and audio and subtitletracks
    - allows for new search criteria like 'has multiple audio tracks',alongside 'has Subtitles', or 'has one' and 'has no' audiotracks
    - added the new data to the display columns and the export (CSV,TXT and XML) as well
  • abeMeda now also offers MOV/MP4 Metadatacataloging via ffmpeg and exiftool.
    - if you request to prefer embedded coverArt (via a new catalogingsetting in the Helpers tab), we also gather stored metadata like asynopsis, the cast or director, and store it inthe catalog!
  • you can now replace an existingthumbnail in the catalogs by pasting a new one in itsplace, if you don't like the one abeMeda created for you.
  • abeMeda now reads and writes XMP in WAV files
  • abeMeda has new search criteria to look for files based on timealone.. you can find files modified at sunset or created in thewee morning hours
  • 'Transmission/JobID' in IPTC is now editable, and writeable. Itis now also included in the export and its own column in thedetails view.
  • the lossless image rotation now also offers 'Rotate 180°' ,'Flip horizontally', 'Flip vertically' and 'Reset rotation'.
  • this version adds SRW (SamsungRAW) as new raw image file format, and also reads RAWimages from the new Canon R5(.CR3) and Nikon's Z7II(.NEF)
  • we also added .INSP and .INSV(Insta360 photo and video files) to the list ofour supported photo- and video-formats
  • added an indicator to the infoBar to show whether content iscurrently filtered, to add context to the number and selection ofitems shown.
  • abeMeda can now accept lists of keywords separated by semicoliwhen copied into our different controls
  • the autoUpdate dialog now shows the colored labels for thecontained catalogs in the autoUpdate list.
    - and you are now also able to use the catalog selection inautoUpdate for the different options of the find submenu.
  • we now added clearer indications in the Demo version to explainwhich functions/features are/will be reserved for a businesslicense.
  • the Inspector now reacts far better to any file errors/problemswhen writing back XMP data.
    - the error message better explains what went wrong, and explainsyour options - discard the changes, copy your changes to theclipboard or a reset, or fix the file problems and try again.
    - you return to your unsaved edits so you don't loose any work, andcan decide how to proceed.
    - you can now also decide whether you want to see the messageconfirming multi-item-edits message at all.
  • fixed and improved findDuplicates, improved the performance andthe option selection, and fixed the actual fileCheckcomparison.
  • fixed a problem in our XMP parser that could hamper NEFfiles
  • fixed a problem with opening/closing the keywords/peopledialogs
  • fixed a bug in our options rsp. helper errors detection forffmpeg
  • found and fixed a problem when generating thumbnails viaexiftool, which would sometimes fail for certain files.
  • fixed and augmented the item export - you can now choosewhether to use the exact size when exporting CSV/TXT or XML, and weaddressed a number of other issues.
  • fixed an apparently older issue with QuickFind, where QuickFindwould not get results from OLD CDWinder catalogs, while a 'normal'find editor query would.
  • fixed a bug in the find window, where any metadata would not beupdated when e.g. we would rescan an item
  • fixed a few problems in find editor with EXIF searches forfocalLength and exposure would not reliably show the necessarycriteria controls
  • fixed a problem with the sizing of the main window and itsbars.
  • in Inspector, input controls are now also scaled to thecontained text size
  • fixed an issue where the file dialog to select the folder toscan was mis–sing its description, not telling you what it wasasking for, causing confusion.
  • fixed an issue with the XMP, where it would sometimes savemalformed IPTC:Keywords alongside our own list
  • fixed a problem with MP4 videos skipping QuickUpdate, beingelaborately rescanned every time.
  • fixed an issue with AudioCD cover art, which could causeabeMeda to crash when requested.
  • switched the freedb fallback for AudioCDs to, is no longer available.
  • added more default smart folders, and also added a command to(re)create these default queries if they got lost or were deletedsomehow.
Previous Versions:

7.3 (April 20th,2020)

  • abeMeda can now edit and write XMP people/persontag fields
  • we also added a global people list, and a separate dialog tomanage it
    - with the same functions as the proven keyword list
  • abeMeda now also includes support for XMP metadatapresets
    - store and manage your own collection of metadata presets to applyto your media files
    - use existing metadata as templates, or paste existing metadatafrom files into your presets, and vice versa
    - and of course use the Global Keyword List with presets, too.
  • added 'Find Empty' and 'Find NonEmpty' options to the IPTCfields and the Camera Maker/Name fields in the find editor.
    - also, the inspector has corresponding commands in its contextmenus for these fields to trigger such searches.
  • abeMeda now reads XMP annotations written toyour files by NeoFinder
    - it will also import those Annotations from iView/PhaseOneexports
  • the AutoUpdate dialog can now be sized to accommodate yourneeds.
  • augmented the movie contact sheet settings - there is a new'add timestamps' setting, and the last used/preferred settings arenow kept.
  • improved and reworked the handling of catalogs in found items -the displayed information and context menus are now better tailoredto them.
  • added CR3 to the list of known RAW formats/extensions
  • added .toast as image file archive filetype, and enabledparsing it via 7zip as ISO.
  • massively improved 7zip processing times
  • added a 'greater than'-rating filter and an “Has XMPannotations” filter to our displayFilter bar
  • added folder depth to the find Path criteria.
    - also fixed an issue with the (CSV) export where it would nothandle the requested folder depth correctly
  • added a new special import, for our own editable (meta)data.You can export existing catalog data to XML, and later re-applythat to a catalog to restore values like comments, tags andlabels.
  • added better handling for long file names (> 260 characterpaths)
  • added a new hidden setting to ignore file creation dates whenupdating existing catalogs - to better compensate for some backuptypes and copied files when updating catalogs.
  • added a special hidden setting to toggle using exiftool whencataloging RAW images. exiftool in cataloging can add data, butslow things down considerably, so the user can control this asneeded.
  • abeMeda now uses exiftool to try and get a thumbnail for PSDfiles, since QuickTime is no longer an option.
  • abeMeda now cares for a possible XMP sidecar file when renamingan item rsp. its original file.
  • fixed: a rare communications problem between the main app andmetadata generator, that could lead to huge error logs.
  • fixed: another rare problem with the handling of damagedcatalogs
  • fixed: a problem where some XMP data in files could crash thegenerator.
  • fixed: improved the handling of huge movie files
  • fixed: a problem with incoherent characters seldomly appearingin the people tags of files.
  • fixed: some issues with the stored window coordinates whenabeMeda is maximized.

7.2.1 (June 12th,2019)

  • added a number of new search criteria and find options: you cannow find video codecs or aspect ratios, find specifically in EXIFcamera maker, model and lens name strings
    - and you can specifically search in the new Person tags (oneperson is/contains and no person is/contains)
  • added a new 'last updated' date to our catalogs - from now on,the date the catalog was last updated will be kept separate fromthe last modified date, which changes whenever any item orattribute in the catalog is changed.
    - the 'last updated' date can be seen in the Inspector, thecatalogs' properties sheets, and can be shown as a column in theDetails View.
  • improved the handling of cover art in FLAC and other audioformats
  • fixed: a bug that could sometimes lead to cataloging failingwith an unnecessary error message.
  • fixed: a problem that could cut short and thus prevent contactsheets for huge video files.

7.2(May 14th, 2019)
  • added the new display filter - it allows youto further filter the items of any catalog content or found itemresults in the main window
  • abeMeda now offers lossless image rotation,clockwise or counter-clockwise, incl. their previews, in thecatalog and the original file.
  • improved and extended ourXMP editing - you can now copy/pasteXMP data from file to file(s), and also modify theXMP date for one or more files.
  • abeMeda can now read and display People/Persontags in XMP, as written by Expression media, iView or NeoFinder7.4.
  • augmented the keyword list handling, fixed existing and builtmore functions in the dialog, and more and better ways to interactwith it
  • abeMeda now offers a 'Show #[..] in instagram' in the contextmenu for keywords and tags.
  • improved and accelerated our startup process, when loading allyour catalogs, albums, smartFolder and keywords
  • abeMeda can now duplicate albums and SmartFolder, via contextmenu
  • added support to read and display multichannel audio filescorrectly
  • added '.eit' to our text file contents formats
  • abeMeda now catalogs Affinity Publisher (.afpub) documents
  • abeMeda now reads compressed RAF images (Fuji)
  • augmented the noTagIs and noTagContains search criteria tobetter respect both Tags and XMP/IPTC keywords.
  • augmented the value lists for ISO, and added 'ISO is lowerthan' and 'ISO is higher than' to the find criteria.
  • the customTempFilePath can now be edited and changed via thepreferences dialog
  • added a new 'offline mode', to suppress connection attempts tounavailable servers. offline mode is ignored for autoUpdates,though.
  • added the ability to actually tag folder items in catalogs aswell, including use of our keywords list.
  • augmented quickUpdate to correctly deal with changed items andpreserve their labels/comments/tags - which is crucial for folderssince they change far more often.
  • further improved our quickUpdate code and its performanceagain
    - also, the progress dialog will now more accurately convey whichfiles are actually being worked on during updates.
  • abeMeda now allows you to update and rescan the metadata andthumbnail of existing items/files/images in your catalogs.
  • added Alt+T shortcut to test a file with our different helpers,eg to find out why preview generation failed or to get moreinformation
  • added a find command in the context menu to every keyword inthe global keyword list, every selected keyword in the Inspector,and every other suitable media inspector item
  • abeMeda can now interact with 64bit versions of Google Earth aswell. (with GE v7.3.2+)
  • updated exiftool to more recent rsp. latest stable version
  • added the ability to read embedded previews via exiftool as afallback/workaround/additional alternative
  • improved & streamlined the handling of MP4 embeddedcoverArt - added exiftool and also upgraded ffmpeg support tobetter find and read them.
    - this is now controlled and influenceable by the user via a hiddensetting.
  • included (lines for) folder information in text exportformats
    - also added output for tags (in export as well as in displaypreferences, as selectable column)
  • abeMeda now catalogs more additional infos for images and audiofiles (e.g. exact Fps, lens name, and also huge WAV/audio duration,etc)
  • switched to libraw 0.19 release
  • adapted our existing command line parameters, and added newcommand line parameters to allow calling QuickFind, the executionof a saved query, AND exporting of found item results to a givenfile format rsp. location
    - /qf 'pattern' starts a QuickFind with the pattern given.
    - /f 'queryFileName' starts a find with the specified queryfile
    - /efi:[format] ['fileName'] will ExportFoundItems in the formatand to the file chosen
  • fixed and improved the recognition of the flashUsed attributein EXIF for RAW images
  • fixed a problem with EXIF GPS parsing from XMP data and sidecarfiles
  • fixed a problem when updating files with XMP sidecar, whichwould always result in a rescan, even if unnecessary.
  • fixed a problem where dragging found items to the file systemwould fail
  • fixed a problem where fast switching between differentsmartFolders sometimes crashed abeMeda
  • fixed a problem with sporadic double results when searching foranyText and multiple search criteria.
  • fixed a problem with weekday intervals for the NextStartTimecalculating incorrectly in AutoUpdate
  • fixed a problem wherein the 'Find Rating' criteria would notalways work correctly
  • fixed a problem that sometimes corrupted results whencataloging specific audio files
  • improved and augmented the duplicate item Find, furtherimproving performance and results.
  • abeMeda now checks to ensure the temp folder AND the chosentarget folder in the Library can actually be written into beforeEVERY scan, and will show an appropriate message if theseconditions are not met, to prevent unnecessary scans that areotherwise doomed to fail.
  • abeMeda now also checks installed helpers availability andcompatibility on startup, and informs the user if eg ffmpeg ormeDaGen is not working or not found where its supposed to be,specifically when AutoUpdates is on.
  • fixed a bug where the mediaInspector is not (always) kept openwhen it is poppedOut and abeMeda is restarted.
  • fixed a bug when performing 'Find folder', and wereable to speed up the process by factor 10x
  • fixed a bug where deleting items would sometimes lead to thecatalog being reloaded.
  • fixed a bug where abeMeda would sometimes not find XMP data forhuge files (larger than 4GB).
  • abeMeda now better communicates if a catalog is locked/readOnlydue to the Extended Format not being active or supported - andoffers ways to fix that.
  • fixed an issue when updating catalogs after newly configuringthe ffmpeg or Xpdf helpers - abeMeda will now recognize that changeand update the respective documents and videos even withoutforceFullUpdate
  • fixed an issue where 7zip would fail on certain archives, orhang on others. added a hidden setting to also read all ZIParchives with 7zip
  • fixed an issue where exports of whole catalogs (to CSV, TXT orXML) would not correctly observe the selected depth level
  • increased the size of multi line input controls in theInspector, and added edit context menus where necessary
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

7.1.1 (February 2nd,2018)
  • abeMeda now supports .jps and .mpo stereoscopic imagefiles
  • fixed a bug that could cause abeMeda to crash after errorsoccurred during cataloging.
  • fixed a problem where certain archives (ePUBs, RARs) couldcause cataloging to fail without producing a catalog.
  • fixed a bug Batch Cataloging where the cataloging optionsdialog could not be confirmed anymore to start cataloging.
  • fixed a problem where the custom fields for catalogs would notdisplay correctly after selected in the Appearance options
  • fixed a problem with text encoding when reading the content ofcertain text files. Recognizing different encodings was improvedand should give better results.
  • fixed a problem where the installer would sometimes fail tocomplete the installation of abeMeda.
  • fixed a problem where the import of WhereIsIt exports was toostrict and prevented successful importing.
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

7.1 (December 19th,2017)
  • added support for barcodes, rsp. the barcodegenerator zint for our catalogs in different areas ofabeMeda:
    - catalogs' properties received a separate sheet for displaying thecatalogs barcode.
    - also added a barcode option to the copy subMenu forcatalogs.
    - and we added barcodes as an option when exporting to HTML (lists& contactSheets) and XML.
  • abeMeda can now rename and delete not onlycatalog items, but also the actual files throughour catalogs.
    - you can also delete duplicate items now directlyfrom the found results, if you want.
  • added new command line parameters:
    - “/au' can force handling the AutoUpdates, even if switched off inthe preferences.
    - augmented the /x parameter with an optional minimumRunTime (inminutes), so you can control this instances' duration directly.abeMeda will stay open AT LEAST mm minutes, and then exit as soonas all scans are done.
  • abeMeda can now also remove geotags via the GPS contextmenu
  • autoUpdate now also calculates and offers 'next Start Time' asa separate column - you can keep your AutoUpdateList sorted thatway, and always see which update comes next.
  • added the ability to force FileExtensions in order to pair anyexactly named file with a given extension and treat them as such.(eg. all files 'title' shall be cataloged and read as '.txt')
  • abeMeda now detects external changes in separate 'XMP Sidecar'files when updating a catalog
  • added support for Apple ProRes video format /codec.
  • abeMeda now reads the contents of RAR5archives, if 7zip is installed.
  • abeMeda now creates previews for Affinity’s”.afphoto' and '.afdesign'files
  • abeMeda can now catalog '.cof' files written by CaptureOne.
  • abeMeda now catalogs existing XMP sidecar files for RED moviefiles
  • the search for media files in folders and all subfolders (inthe context menu) can now be applied to multiple folderssimultaneously
  • added 'Location' and 'Usage Terms' to the IPTC find operatorsin the Find Editor and Smart Folders
  • implemented 'APFS” and 'LTFS' file system types and improvedfile system recognition
  • as always, we made lots of fixes and corrections to Update,AutoUpdate and saving of catalogs, to reduce and better deal withpossible error conditions.
  • switched to current version of libraw, increasing the coverageof RAW file formats.
  • fixed a problem when sorting by Windows file kind, which wastoo slow in many situations.
  • added a fix when cataloging EXIF in RAW files, where theaperture was slightly off.
  • fixed a problem when dealing with password protected archivesvia 7zip
  • fixed a number of memory leaks
  • added fixes to our XMP cataloging increasing performance andcompatibility with files that would sometimes cause problems.
  • fixed a problem where special characters (UTF16.., umlauts,..) in QuickFind are not correctly transformed into the createdquery
  • abeMeda now tests tempPaths and the database folder before andduring cataloging, and will give you the options of aborting if thepaths are invalid or necessary access rights are missing.autoUpdates are discarded in any such case, and thusly logged inthe AutoUpdate log.
  • fixed a problem where saving huge extended format catalog wouldsometimes fail and/or result in corrupted catalog files
  • added some specific tags icon for the keywords window
  • fixed several problems in batchCatalog
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

7 (March 29th,2017)

  • abeMeda now offers editing and saving of XMP/IPTCmetadata tags. You can now modify all the XMP data abeMedareads and supports, and save them back to the catalog AND therespective files.
  • also added a controlled global keyword list,that keeps and offers your favourite keywords for tagging. alsoadded keywords to the QuickFind options.
  • added support for ratings (also based in XMP)- you can add ratings to any image, video and prepress file, whichis then stored either inside that file, or in an accompanying XMPsidecar.
  • added 'in Year', 'in Month', 'in Month Any Year' to theavailable find operators, for more flexibility when looking forcertain date ranges.
  • added 'name or path contains' as search criteria - whenever youdon't know whether what you are looking for can be found in eachfile name or just in the containing folder.
  • added our new Extended catalog format, thatallows for catalog sizes above 4GB. This requires the 64bit versionof abeMeda.
  • preview thumbnails can now even be 1024px, 2048px or 4096px insize (when using that new Extended catalog format)
  • improved stability, accuracy, and speed of updates
  • augmented AutoUpdate: you can now temporarilyswitch AutoUpdate on and off (without needing to clear yourcomplete schedule). We added a lot more interval options, from'every 30 minutes' to 'every 4 days'. You can also now decide torun all your updates serialized (one at a time, so they don'tinterfere with each other, eg when on the same drive)
  • abeMeda now saves the last used cataloging settings in itscatalog files. That way you can create specific catalogs forcertain purposes without having to switch around the catalogingsettings all the time. These settings can be respected whenupdating, and you can also choose to use/prefer them whenscheduling AutoUpdates for the catalogs. When cataloging, you havethe options of using the stored setting, the current defaults, or aselection of different presets.
  • abeMeda now also includes stored Lyrics in different exportformats.
  • added hierarchical groups to albums andsmartFolders.
  • added a new 'Item' menu, grouping together ratings, labels andseveral other tasks and options for different selected item(types)
  • added 'photo contact sheets' to create and export an overviewof a selection of photos.
  • added 'show Preview', which is now a separate menu command foritems with thumbnail previews (not only available via double-clickon the preview in inspector). There is also a shortcut (ALT+SPACE)for it.
  • added 'SHIFT+ENTER' for File-Open, 'ALT+ENTER' forFile-OpenWith as global keyboard shortcuts.
  • added 'show catalog file' as command for catalogs, to shortenthe detour via its catalog folder.
  • abeMeda now reads and displays the video codec for videofiles
  • added reading of XMP metadata for videos from accompanying XMPsidecar files.
  • added a hidden setting to change the temp folder abeMeda useswhen cataloging and exporting. (useful when you're in aspace-constrained environment, and/or on an SSD)
  • abeMeda now also looks for and recognizes the 64bit 7zippath
  • fixed: we now only read XMP from sidecars for movie files,except when forced otherwise by 'prfIgnoreXMPinMOV'. Else XMP wouldload huge video files completely into memory to seek them for data.Especially cumbersome when cataloging network drives.
  • fixed: abeMeda now correctly treats anamorphic video files whenencountered via ffmpeg. these would result in distorted thumbnailsand dimensions in the past.
  • fixed: we can now read more metadata from ffmpeg results,compensating for the loss of QuickTime.
  • fixed: load times for albums are now much faster.
  • fixed problems with the prefix and suffix of the automaticserial numbers
  • fixed: findEditor now always adds a new criteria of the samekind as the one you pressed '+' on.
  • fixed problems with the databaseSettings, where ignoring offolders would not really work, but ignoring file suffixes wouldalso ignore folders that happen to have that suffix..
  • fixed a problem with certain huge ZIP archive files that wouldstill report the wrong size.
  • fixed a problem where certain damaged RTF files would causeabeMeda to crash when it tried to read their contents.
  • fixed problems in the ID3 cataloging with certain formats ofLyrics and other data.
  • fixed a problem with the automatic batch cataloging, whereabeMeda could only eject the first installed disc drive, not theone selected.
  • fixed a couple of issues with the CSV export.
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

6.7 (February 2nd, 2016)

  • abeMeda now reads XMP metadata in MP4/MOV files!
  • Keywords (Tags) can now be added and/or edited for each catalogitem.
  • That allows for additional information per item besidesComments and Labels
  • fixed and improved the tar archive reader
  • added .MXF and .webm to the list of supported videoformats
  • improved the command line options and syntax - we now allow tostart an update by specifying the actual volume path, and haveabeMeda figure out the corresponding catalog on its own. That alsoallows for 'create new if not yet there'
  • added a (hidden) setting to allow abeMeda to gather any failedfiles during cataloging, and present them as an album afterwards,for diagnostics.
  • added a 'retract' button to the batch-scan dialog, and alsoadded an eject and retract button to the cataloging progress dialogwhen in batch mode
  • added 'Save As New SmartFolder', 'New Empty Query' and 'Loadlast used Query' to the find tools menu
  • modified the 'ask for media' dialogs and process. You can nowchoose any valid folder path, and (re-)connect an unmatched catalogto that directly from the dialog.
  • the dialog for 'existing catalog' now has more information, andcan show and select the found catalog if requested.
  • the Find context menu for catalogs now contains catalogspecific find options that can help find similar catalogsdirectly
  • added 'Has No Tags' and 'Kind is Comic' as find options
  • improved and corrected album handling and performance
  • added a manual save option to the Inspector - using SHIFT orALT click on the Edit button will save the current changes withoutchanging the edit mode.
  • fixed: fileCheck would not correctly identify missing (deleted)files on the associated medium
  • added a new function to export folders of existing catalogsinto a new separate catalog file
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

6.6 (June 15th,2015)

  • abeMeda now correctly rotates thumbnails based on their EXIFrotation flags.
  • added the reading of AudioCD CoverArt from CoverArtArchive forMusicBrainz, also improved handling of MusicBrainz results
  • improved & augmented AutoUpdate with more intervals (fromhourly to weekly) instead of just daily.
  • IPTC keywords and categories are now sorted alphabetically inthe Inspector
  • improved FindDuplicates, cleaned the configuration dialog,fixed some problems and inconsistencies, and added more information& options
  • further improved QuickUpdate performance and accuracy
  • deleting catalogs now has an optional confirmation dialog, toprevent unwanted deletions.
  • opening a SmartFolder for Edit (context menu, or now alsoshift-click) now selects the last criteria for quick modificationsand finds
  • abeMeda can now read much more and better contents from RTFfiles
  • improved the quality of PDF previews via Xpdf, especially forhigher thumbnail sizes
  • added PhaseOne RAW (.IIQ) picture dormat to the list ofrecognized RAW file formats
  • added DiskID to BrokenX importer
  • databaseSettings.xml now has a new section to exclude files(filenamepatterns) from scan completely
  • improved sorting for many more attributes, with better results(and some cross-attribute sorting, eg for recording dates)
  • improved and corrected DragNDrop handling, especially formultiple items
  • corrected handling of ZIP files with many contained items (orthose from OSX' Finder)
  • suppressed the urge to keep creating the default smart foldersafter they were deleted
  • fixed a problem with exporting and importing the labelconfiguration
  • fixed a problem when copy/pasting long comments into theinspector
  • added provisions to better deal with a filling up Tempdrive

6.5 (November 28th,2014)

  • vastly improved video recognition for metadata and thumbnails:abeMeda can now use ffmpeg to reliably read many more videoformats!
  • of course the movie contact sheets benefit from ffmpeg as well- if installed, ffmpeg will be preferred over otherframeworks.
  • abeMeda now also uses an installed 7-Zip to read more archives(7z, ARJ, LHA) and image files (ISO, DMG)
  • fixed a display problem with huge multi-monitor setups
  • fixed a problem that could make abeMeda seem unresponsive dueto a misconfigured AutoSync.
  • fixed a problem with sorting folders in the Library
  • added commands to reset the window layout, or to deauthorize aninstalled application
  • added 'Open' for multiple files, and an 'Open With' dialog forany selected file
  • added display columns for width, height, duration and aspectratio, and also catalog file size
  • added support for Apple's CloudDrive and Microsoft'sOneDrive
  • fixed a problem reading certain EXIF, GPS & IPTC tags fromTIFF files
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

6.4.2 (September 24th,2014)

  • updated and improved catalog file handling, loading catalogfiles and and working with huge a library is much faster now
  • improved catalog display, and updated sorting. On Windows 7 andlater abeMeda now better sorts numerals in (catalog) names.
  • improved ZIP and ZIP64 file recognition and parsing.
  • abeMeda can now read ISRC from WAV files!
  • fixed a problem adding catalogs to AutoUpdate in the 64bitversion
  • fixed a problem communicating with Google Earth in the 64bitversion
  • added commands to control and delete QuickFind history
  • fixed a number of problems in the inspector and the findwindow
  • improved cataloging and metadata recognition for many formats,like MOVs, MP4s, FLVs
  • fixed a problem when reading IPTC tags containing CR/LF
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.

6.4 (May 19th, 2014)

  • abeMeda is now 64bit and runs natively on64bit Windows – allowing us to use more memory, and work faster on64bit systems.
  • our new “Find Duplicates” function that allowsyou to identify duplicate files in any number of catalogs. Itoffers several criteria for item comparison, and you can also findunique items (that only exist in ONE catalog, eg all files on a newdisc that are not yet in your own collection)
  • the new “Movie Contact Sheet” function, tocreate beautiful contact sheets of movies in different formats –you can define the number of previews to show, and theirarrangement and layout. Output comes as an image file in differentfile formats.
  • new “Find … in folder” context menu commands,to quickly find all pictures, movies, audio or – in general – mediafiles in any given folder with a dsingle click. Allows you tocompile and view all media independently of existing folderhierarchies
  • new selection for QuickFind type – you candecide if QuickFind works on Any Text (as before), or on Name,Comment, EXIF, IPTC or audio tags. Thus enabling you to accomplisheven more taks with a single QuickFind. Also, it now allows to finda place on the map (like in GeoFinder)
  • Find has again grown faster and morestable
  • the Inspector now shows a lot more information furmulti-item selections, detecting if and how many audio orvideo files are selected, and accumulating their duration; orshowing aggregations for folders and catalogs.
  • newly added support for huge Zip archives(ZIP64, > 4 GBytes in size)
  • improved support for FileCheck values – nowallowing to check multiple files at once, searching for files orcatalogs with or without FileCheck, displaying FileCheck asseparate column in the detail views etc)
  • Content” and “Preview” cannow also be found in the Properties dialogs of files, offering thatstored data for viewing outside of the Inspector. abeMeda can alsoshow the stored preview in a separate popup window.
  • improved processing and recognition of huge TIFF and JPEGfiles
  • improved RAW support (new libraw version, withnew file formats like CR2 or CRW)
  • added .css, .csv to the text file content cataloguing
  • added support for MTS video files, alsolooking for a preview if a matching codec is installed
  • added XMP for NEF andPNG files
  • improved and sped up updating of existing catalogs onceagain
  • improved UniCode handling for certain filetypes andfolders
  • and fixed and improved numerous other issues.
6.2.2 (June 10th,2013)

  • improved IPTC recognition, handling and display
  • improved quickUpdate and AutoSync performance and accuracy
  • improved and fixed find window criteria handling (addedoptions, fixed a rare crash, missing criteria input controls andnavigation)
  • improved and fixed HTML export and iView import regardingperfomance, data quality and fault tolerance
  • improved album handling
  • improved window handling and display issues
  • improved handling of several parallel scans
  • further improved AudioCD recognition and handling
  • fixed a problem with changing the database library in demomode
  • and added a lot more smaller improvements andbugfixes

6.2.1 (March 20th,2013)
  • fixed a number of smaller output and display problems (Hz/kHznumber formatting for audio files, handling of very small filesizes, ..)
  • fixed a possible hang on startup due to certain findqueries
  • fixed some errors in the ADC import
  • fixed a problem with a rogue logfile created on the desktopeven though logging level was 0

6.2 (March 13th,2013)
  • added reading previews of icon files - abeMedawill now create a preview of the largest available format in icon(.ICO) files
  • added beautiful colors to the existinglabels - you can choose different sets, edit andsave them, and tag any catalog or item with them. See themdisplayed throughout the application, or even switch them offcompletely in the options.
  • added a whole number of new export formats,that also cover presentation needs, not only technical dataexchange:
  • new HTML contact sheets (thumbnail view), fora number of selected items, or even for whole catalogs(hierarchically, to click through interactively), including linkedoriginal images
  • new HTML report (detail view), also hierarchical
  • and a new XML export, also includingpreviews.
  • new 'Reconnect' command for existing catalogs- so you can reconnect a catalog with a renamed (or otherwisemodified) or different volume..
  • added new icons for different volume and media types
  • added bing to our list of location based webservices forgeotags.
  • added 'Year' and 'Genre' as editable values to the inspectorfor AudioCDs.
  • added new find commands: Path: 'folder contains/doesn'tcontain' (for the immediate containing folder), and 'Item In/Not InArchive' Comment: 'has comment' / 'has no comment'
  • added a list of recent library folders to the options dialog,allowing you to switch more easily between differentlibraries.
  • added an option to use decimal byte display (1MB = 1000KB =1000 bytes) by default, abeMeda will still use 1024 bytes, justlike Windows.
  • added better and clearer memory information to the databaseoptions
  • added cataloging performance counters that output theirinformation to the log file
  • improved item handling in our detail views(when dragging, moving or sorting catalogs or items)
  • fixed a number of display issues in theinspector
  • fixed and improved AudioCD handling in cataloging and theirinspector display
  • fixed and improved handling of large catalogs (> 2GB) whilecataloging
  • improved recognition for large pictures and PDFs
  • improved metadata generator performance and results
  • fixed mapInspector to correctly handle & remember mapchoices
  • improved AutoSync and AutoUpdate handling and behaviour
  • fixed a couple of issues with batch cataloging, too
  • and applied a number of smaller fixes and improvements allover..

6.0.2 (April 23rd,2012)

  • added support for MP4/MOV embedded cover art (requiringQT)
  • added new columns for item, file and folder count to thecatalog details list view
  • added handling of relative paths ('.') and environmentvariables (%USERPROFILE%) to our database folder path command lineargument (/db). That way, portable installations of abeMeda can runright from an external drive (HDD or USB stick)
  • fixed freedb recognition, that was sometimes not called even ifrequested.
  • fixed a number of smaller issues involving the QuickFindcontrol or the logfile path.

6.0.1 (February 14th, 2012)
  • found item lookup would sometimes lead to a crash
  • implemented freedb protocol level 6, for unicode text fromfreedb.
  • introduced geotag vicinity search into the findEditor, to makeit fully accessible, and combinable with other criteria.
  • added support for unicode volume names
  • added a pause functionality to our progress dialogs
  • fixed movie recognition in our meDaGen !!
  • freedb & Xpdf settings were not correctly set in theoptions dialog
  • 'Pack logfile' button in Logging dialog was always greyedout

6.0 (December 11th, 2011)
  • well, the new name, of course! abeMeda still reads CDs, but iscapable of so much more, that we needed a new name to reflectthat.
  • newly redesigned and integrated layout, using a singlewindow
  • new Albums and SmartFolders allow for greater possibilities andflexibility when working with your files. Save your favourite FindQueries in SmartFolders for easier and faster access, or gather thefiles you need for a specific purpose or project in an Album tokeep them together.
  • new mapInspector right in the main window shows geotaglocations even outside of the GeoFinder.
  • mapInspector reacts to the (geotagged) items selected in themain window
  • plus, has a load of functionality in its context menu, like thenew 'Find All In This Map' for one-click geo-area search
  • new edit mode in the mediaInspector now allows for commentingor labelling directly from the main window.
  • The Inspector can also edit common values for multiple itemsdirectly. We now offer comment and label for items, and alsoLocation and the catalogs' Extra Fields for editing when multipleitems are selected.
  • new external metaDataGenerator makes cataloging even faster andfi¬nal¬ly immune to crashing - it will take the fall so abeMedawon't have to.
  • new improved cataloging of AudioCDs : abeMeda now asksMusicBrainz for information, and reads ASIN, ISRC and CD-TEXT whenavailable.
  • new PDF thumbnails and content cataloging (via Xpdf) : abeMedawill query an installed Xpdf for PDF thumbnails and/or content tostore that in the catalogs.
  • new AutoUpdate, enabling business license holders to selectcatalogs for daily automatic update.
  • new Copy functions for Name, Path, comment, MP3 tags,thumbnails and GPS tags to the context menus
  • also adding copy functionality to the inspector controls -anything displayed there can be copied for use elsewhere!
  • redesigned find window attribute list, and adding specificsearch in document file contents
  • added unit support to our find editor – now you see what unitis expected when entering criteria, and you can (finally) choose toenter sizes in MB or GB when searching for them.
  • improved QuickUpdate recognition and performance
  • added “force full update” to the catalog settings, allowing youto ignore QuickUpdate if really need be
  • added hidden setting to identify files without or with unknownextension based on their content when cataloging
  • added 'Prepare packed logfile' to Logging dialog - to easemaintenance where mailing would not work.
  • fixed and enhanced the sizeGrip on the progress dialogs -double- clicking that will now maxmimze the dialog!
  • added new SatelliteWindows to view a catalog, catalog folder oralbum in an external window side by side to other contents
  • added a new Window menu to keep track of all the additionalopen windows
  • abeMeda has a complete new column handling for the maindisplay
  • added loads of new columns (MP3 tags, EXIF, IPTC, …) to thedetailed view
  • redesigned the column selection in our preferences to handleall these new columns
  • the column headers are now adapted to the new design andhandling in Vista and Windows7 (especially regarding the sortdirection indicators)
  • you can now also choose “None” as sort column, dropping allsorting and reverting to the order of items in the catalog. (viasort menu option, or by pressing SHIFT when clicking the sortedcolumn header)
  • abeMeda can now save partial catalogs when you cancelcataloguing midway
  • extended abeMeda’s audio capabilities
  • corrected metadata reading for several filetypes
  • added an Audio Info section to the inspector for all files thatdo not have mp3tags.
  • added several additional search options to look for audiofiles’ bitrate, samplingrate, etc.
  • added the ability to search through Lyrics specifically
  • reworked the exports’ output and layout for better exportquality and more data.
  • the find window and the Inspector can also be detached from themain window, if you prefer the old layout or need the space
  • added word parsing to the QuickFind – when typing several wordsabeMeda will create a complex find, searching for each wordseparately. To enforce the exact phrase, use quotations.
  • also, QuickFind in the main toolbar now stores your recentlyused and favourite search words and has a QuickFind button,too
  • we added a special dialog to select the catalogs to search fora query, instead of relying only on what was selected in the restof the application.
  • we added support for thumbnails in Adobe InDesign CS5 and 5.5documents
  • we also added a couple of visual enhancements to our icons,graphics and controls.
  • and handled a couple of other smaller issues and interfaceimprovements.

5.7.2 (December 14th,2010)

  • improved the FLV file metadata recognition, especially vastlyincreasing speed for large FLV files.
  • improved our WhereIsIt import to correctly care for UniCodecharacters.
  • improved export now also covers the MD5 FileCheck value.
  • fixed a problem with the editing of labels.
  • fixed problems with certain NEF files' GPS coordinates.
  • fixed problems with some 'ends with' searches
  • fixed problems with tag recognition for certain MP3 files
  • fixed a problem with certain TIFF files that caused CDWinder tofreeze.
  • fixed a display problem for empty video metadata in the mediainspector.
  • and addressed even more smaller problems.
5.7.1 (September 22nd, 2010)

  • CDWinder can catalog the GPS tags in .MOV video files createdby the Apple iPhone! That gives you the same geotag relatedfeatures as with photos, such as starting a geosearch, or showingthe point in Google Earth or on the built-in map
  • CDWinder now also reads the contents of Word files, code files(.c, .h, .cpp, .rc) and XML/HTML files.
  • CDWinder now includes the latest exiftool version (8.2.5), andoffers correct feedback for exiftool status
  • improved EXIF and IPTC cataloging, and updated archive readersto use UTF-8
  • improved updating of existing catalogs – QuickUpdate is noweven faster!
  • improved PDF cataloging by adding page count and PDFversion
  • added a new catalog settings dialog - the catalog settings cannow easily be set or changed for each catalog
  • added a scrollbar to the Inspector window, so all displayeddata can be inspected without closing sections
  • added 'Has No GPS data' to EXIF find options.
  • added tab navigation to the find window input fields.
  • CDWinder now has a new import dialog, allowing to choose theXML catalog file format to import.
  • ADC (Advanced Disk Catalog for Windows) XML Importer now readsthe Category field and places it in the item comment
  • and we added new command key shortcuts to enable easiermaintenance of CDWinder
  • fixed a problem with the saving of find queries in the Germanversion.
  • fixed problems with the find window
  • fixed problems with the display of updated catalogs
  • fixed problems with the visibility of the inspector window
  • fixed problems with the tree-view and list-view display
  • fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after refreshing thecatalog database.
  • fixed search results for catalog info - some information incatalogs could not be found in every instance.
  • fixed searching for/with Unicode data (e.g. Japanesecharacters)
  • fixed a problem with setting labels with the context menu forfound items
  • fixed several problems with the layout of CDWinder's windowsand focussing when switching tasks.
  • and addressed even more smaller problems.

5.7 (April 21st, 2010)

  • improved cataloging : faster, and more stable.
  • added detailed OpenStreetMap mapping to the GeoFinder
  • enhanced integrated GeoTagging capabilities with the GeoFinderalone
  • added photo export feature - convert photos in your database toa specific format and size
  • added text file preview cataloging for text files. The first256 characters of RTF (Rich Text Format), TXT, LOG, and NFO filesare read, saved, displayed, and can of course searched
  • added FLAC metadata cataloging, for all metadata and coverart.
  • added cataloging of metadata and thumbnails for AdobeIllustrator and InDesign files.
  • added cataloging of the contents of url and .webloc files,incl. finding and visiting the stored URLs
  • added importing of WhereIsIt XML catalog files.
  • fixed a problem with the importing of BrokenX catalogs
  • fixed problems with the sorting via the Order Bysub-menu's
  • fixed problems with the image quality of our Locr upload
  • improved Drag'n'Drop capabilities and handling
  • improved volume recognition and (UNC) path handling
  • fixed a performance problem when cataloging thousands of RAWimages, and several other stability issues during find andcataloging
  • fixed a problem with the handling of renamed catalog items
  • fixed issues with the slideshows when including folder names orstill archived items that caused problems in the externaltools.
  • added several switches to control the internal engines forcataloging - to turn off XMP, RAW, QT etc. individually.
  • added a menu command to swiftly show the logfile if logging isactivated
  • improved display of and scrolling through large itemcollections or folders with many thumbnails.
  • and addressed and fixed even more smaller problems.

5.6.1 (July 22nd, 2009)
  • improved find : up to 20% faster now, and more stable.
  • enabled UNC for database folders, enhanced general handling ofand awareness for UNC paths and folders
  • added confirmation before overwriting existing geotags infiles
  • CDWinder now remembers the last used find query and the lastcataloged path
  • improved the handling of the command line interface whenscanning and updating, especially when running as a scheduledtask.
  • added storing of Locr settings, including Locr usercredentials
  • Expanded the URL handler. It now also offers:
  • added .MPV movies, and sped up thumbnail creation for mp4movies
  • added a clipboard context menu to the findWindow inputcontrols
  • fixed scaling of catalogued thumbnails for QuickTime-enabledmovies
  • fixed a problem with BIGTIFFs that CDWinder can not handleyet
  • fixed and improved the doubleclick handling of certainfiletypes
  • fixed the reading of certain TAR archives
  • fixed a problem reading cover art of AIFF and certain AACfiles
  • and adressed some smaller problems.

5.6 (May 5th, 2009)
  • CDWinder now creates thumbnails for movie files! This usesDirectShow and / or QuickTime, and includes a number of fileformats, such as avi, mov, mp4, m4v, mpg, flv, mkv, and more – ifthe required codecs are installed. We tested CDWinder with aDirectShow codec pack like CCCP. Also, CDWinder doesn’t use thefirst frame of a movie, but grabs a thumbnail at about 20% of theduration of the movie
  • With CDWinder you can now geotag your pictures with GoogleEarth (utilizing Phil Harvey's exiftool). If you create a catalogof an online volume, you can use CDWinder and Google Earth togeotag the picture in the catalog and in the file itself.
  • CDWinder now offers Locr-Upload capabilities. It works forphotos with or without geotags, and you can upload single ormultiple photos. Also, you can get a list of your albums on theLocr server, and place the uploaded photos in one of them or createa new one
  • CDWinder can finally catalog UNC paths (Network Places) withoutthe need of a mapped drive letter
  • CDWinder can now also catalog the GPS coordinates stored insidecar XMP files or XMP records in photos
  • New RAR code to catalog the contents of archives larger than 4GB
  • KMZ Export has been improved with better KML content, an optionto use the KMZ TimeStamp, and an option to include the metadata ornot
  • You can now exclude files from cataloging based on their namesuffixes, or folders based on their name. This is handled by a filenamed DatabaseSettings.xml in your CDWinder database folder.
  • CoverArt of AAC-Songs will now be cataloged again, supportingthe yet again changed format introduced with iTunes 8
  • The Podcast info text of songs is now cataloged, and will bedisplayed, and can of course be searched as well
  • The comment inside JPG photos is now cataloged (that is theunique JPG comment, not the IPTC comment, which CDWinder canalready catalog since version 2.5)
  • Due to popular demand, CDWinder now has separate sorting forfolders, just like in Windows Explorer
  • Fixed a bug where finding IPTC or EXIF criteria in Found Itemswould not work
  • Fixed a problem with the genre of miscellaneous audiofiles
  • And, as always, we fixed several other bugs…
5.5.5 (February 11, 2009)
  • improved RAW support : added GPS from RAW EXIF, increasedcompatibility to more RAW thumbnails
  • added Spanish language
  • fixed : bug that could prevent CDWinder from starting up from anetwork database folder
  • fixed : problems with switching between display modes
  • fixed : some columns in the main window or find window were notcorrectly filled
  • and addressed some smaller problems.

5.5 (January 6, 2009)
  • CDWinder can now catalog all metadata of AIFF songs, includingCover Art, Lyrics and all other typical fields
  • CDWinder can read previews and EXIF data from RAW images
  • CDWinder now catalogs important metadata of movie files (avi,mov, mp4, m4v, mpg, flv), such as the size and duration, as well asthe frame rate and codec
  • CDWinder now catalogs XMP metadata out of RAW, TIFF, PDF, EPS,JPG, and even sidecar files, increasing the compatibility to AdobeBridge and all other Adobe applications
  • The new GeoFinder dramatically improves the Geo-Search feature:A fully interactive map allows you to specify the starting pointfor your search, and you can use the current Google Earth position,along with preset locations and a new place search
  • CDWinder can now export geotags into the KMZ format, includingpreviews of the actual photos and important metadata, such as thelocation and camera parameters. That does of course work for anyphoto formats
  • All photos with GPS data now have the GeoTagIcon badged totheir thumbnail in the CDWinder windows
  • When cataloging GPS data, CDWinder now also reads the azimuth,tilt, and distance values written by Graphic Converter and some GPSmodules attached to Nikon cameras. This value is then used for'Reveal in Google Earth', as well as the KMZ export file
  • Added SmugMug, WikiMapia, Yahoo Maps, Geoudy, OpenStreetMap,and Woohpy to the GPS menu
  • Find can now also search by path
  • CDWinder can now handle a wide range of URLs, such ascdwinder://find/gps/&city=Berlin&distance=5000m orcdwinder://find/audio/&album=Crime%20Of%20The%20Century. Youcan use that to interactively integrate CDWinder into your websites and more.
  • Extended the Export to include MP3, EXIF, and IPTC metadata ofall found items properly
  • The IPTC metadata in any export now has no Return characters,but these are replaced by either a comma or a blank
  • CDWinder is now able to write a logfile, especially useful foridentifying corrupt catalogs or rogue media files that mess up themetadata reader
  • The thumbnails in the detail window can now be scaled (64 - 512pixels)
  • CDWinder offers a new light table view with a dark windowbackground, that enhances visibility with media thumbnails
  • CDWinder can use IrfanView or XnView, if installed, to show images in aslideshow.
  • CDWinder now accepts its own catalog files with drag & dropinto the catalog list. Any such files are now copied to theCDWinder database folder and used
  • Fixed a bug with the Batch Catalog Scan that caused unendingloops when a catalog already existed in the database
  • And, as always, we fixed several other bugs…

5.1.1 (April 16, 2008)
  • CDWinder can now catalog all metadata of AIFF songs, includingCover Art, Lyrics and all other typical fields
  • MP3 Cover Art is now being read from ID3v2.2 format tags aswell as the ID3v2.3 tags
  • CDWinder can now show more than one photo in Google Earth, andexports the GPS coordinates of all selected photos (along withtheir names and IPTC caption) into a KML file (to be used withGoodle Earth and other applications)
  • The GPS distance search window now displays the selectedcoordinate in a nice world map
  • All GPS related context menu entries now use the GPS icon from
  • The Inspector now also shows the alitutide of GPScoordinates
  • Fixes problems with the catalog serial number, and CDWinder cannow renumber existing catalogs, too.
  • Fixes a bug in the GPS distance search, where a rounding errorcould sometimes produce incorrect results
  • Fixes a bug when some JPG photos with XMP metadata wouldprevent CDWinder from reading the IPTC comments of the file
  • Fixes a bug with navigating folders inside of scannedarchives
  • Fixes a bug with the display of UniCode characters of updatedcatalogs

5.1 (February 26, 2008)
  • QuickUpdate: Updating existingcatalogs in CDWinder is now about 50 times faster than before,because CDWinder now keeps the unchanged meta-dataaround
  • QuickFind: a search field inthe main toolbar now allows to find any text in all catalogsdirectly and quickly
  • New extended Find contextmenus: Find files with the same MP3 artist,album, title or composer, or based on IPTCmeta-data or date values
  • Vastly extendedGPS geotagsupport: CDWinder cannow also show the location of a photo in Flickr, Panoramio, GoogleMaps or MapQuest
  • Find photos based on their GPSlocation and distance relative to another photo
  • Cataloging ZIP archive contentsis about 20 times faster than before,due to a new and improved algorithm
  • Cataloging of MP3 and AAC tagsis now fully Unicode compatible as well
  • CoverArt in MP3 and AAC is nowcataloged as well
  • Ringtone audio files are alsobeing cataloged
  • CDWinder now optionallygenerates aFileCheckvalue for every file, and allows you to verifythat at any time. Important for photographers and everyone else whowants to ensure that their data is still alive andunchanged
  • CDWinder can now import BrokenCross XML database files or export files and Advanced Disk Catalog(ADC for Windows) XML export files files as catalogs
  • And, as always, we fixedseveral bugs…

5.0.2 (November 11, 2007)

Fastspring Capture One Torrent

  • massively improved performance when scanning thumbnails (about10x-20x faster)
  • improved the folder-browsing dialogs by preselecting the lastused folder as appropriate
  • fixed problems with huge catalog files (larger than 2 GB), andimproved file handling
  • fixed handling of empty catalog files
  • fixed inspector display issues (information was vanishingrandomly)
  • fixed problems with identifying different AudioCD-catalogs
  • adressed a number of issues concerning stability and faulttolerance.

Fastspring Capture One

5.0.1 July 7, 2007
  • integrated 'Show In GoogleEarth' for GPS-tagged pictures !
  • once an image is geotagged (either in the camera, or byadditional software) and cataloged, it can always be locatedanywhere on the globe !
  • added a search for object kind (Folder, Picture, Movie,..)
  • fixed several bugs
  • enhanced: cataloging of TIFFs, EXIF & IPTC records, ZIParchives
  • fixed: disappearing catalogs after restart
  • fixed: undeleteable catalog folders
  • fixed: catalogs' Extra Fields were not included insearching
  • enhanced: parsing of the command line
  • and others

CDWinder 5 22. May 2007
  • CDWinder can now catalog thumbnail previews for photo and imagefiles of several types (JPG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Enhanced user interface: CDWinder's list windows can beswitched between the list and a new icon view mode, to see allthose thumbnails in full glory. Navigational controls and historyease your path through your data, and allow better control.
  • Full Unicode support: All new catalogs created by CDWinder 5.0now contain the full Unicode file names, comments, and such
  • Date and number outputs are correctly locale formatted
  • Date inputs for search criteria use a calendar control
  • New additional run time parameters: CDWinder is now able tocatalog media or update existing catalogs or folders by specifyingparameters at startup. That way you can have CDWinder catalog everydisk you burn, or update specific catalogs over night.
  • A number of bugs was fixed

CDWinder 2.6.1 18. December 2006
  • Some nasty bugs were fixed, e.g.
  • Improved the new AutoVerify function
  • AutoVerify interrupted normal operations
  • In some circumstances, the new AutoVerify would cause CDWinderuse up far too much memory, or even crash
  • Exporting of different levels of catalog information didn’twork correctly and was rebuilt.

CDWinder 2.6 2. December 2006Capture
  • Revamped and enhanced the Find window
  • We now allow the combination of several search criteria (up to16) to find objects in the catalogs
  • Existing techniques as “find in found objects”, “add to foundobjects” or wildcards (with names) still exist and can be combinedwith the new mechanisms
  • Added custom fields and extra information to add to thecatalogs
  • Automatic serial numbers for catalogs have been added
  • Up to 5 custom fields can be defined, that carry additionalinformation for each catalog
  • Added Lyrics
  • MP3-tags now include Lyrics tag – lyrics are stored full-textin our catalogs and can be searched using Any Text
  • Enhanced the media Inspector in visuals and behaviour
  • Improved catalog file handling and collaboration withCDFinder
  • Several bugs were fixed, e.g.
  • MP3- und IPTC catalogging was corrected, existing catalogs areautomatically verified and corrected
  • Changes in the catalogs are now saved correctly and morefrequently
  • Labels are now changed and saved correctly
  • CDWinder is tested on Windows Vista, but no longer supportsWindows 95/98/ME.

CDWinder 2.5 4. October 2005
  • cataloging of photo meta data : EXIF and IPTC
  • special search functions, to search items with these datatags
  • view and browse through the objects and their meta data withthe new media Inspector
  • the Inspector displays detailed information for the currentlyselected item
  • it will also show a picture preview (only if the file islocally available)
  • enhanced the performance in finding and browsing, if only tohandle all the additional data
  • several bugs were fixed

CDWinder 2.0.1 17. April 2005
  • Corrected several bugs, including
  • Preferences dialog would not accept a database folder on anetwork drive
  • Objects in CDFinder catalogs with danish or french characterswere not displayed correctly

CDWinder 2.0 26. March 2005
  • Enhanced the user interface
  • Added details columns (comments, modification date, kind etc.)for the catalogs and objects
  • Enabled the user to choose which columns to display
  • Enabled rearranging of columns
  • Corrected and enhanced column based sorting
  • Made CDWinder remember all those options
  • Enhanced Drag'nDrop support
  • Folders and volumes can be dragged onto CDWinder to have themcataloged, even directly in specific folders.
  • Catalogs and catalog folders can be moved and copied to othercatalog folders, several at a time, from the ListView
  • Multiple selected catalogs and catalog folders can serve as asource for search operations, or be exported all together
  • Enhanced archive support
  • Added RAR archive support
  • Added folder support for all archive types
  • Added a command line switch
  • By using the parameters /db in the command line, the currentinstance of CDWinder can be forced to use a specific databasefolder, instead of the one stored in the preferences (forregistered users only)
  • Usage : cdwinder.exe /db 'D:myDatacatalog files'
  • Fixed several bugs…

Changes for Version 1.9.1 (22. December2003)
  • CDWinder now optionally comes with a Setup-routine (incl.uninstall) in a self-extracting EXE-File, if you prefer that.
  • CDWinder can now export in CSV format, too.
  • As a little christmas present we integrated scanning of JPEGimage information. It's intended as a preview of the upcomingversion 2.0, where we will scan extensive information incl. EXIFand IPTC for several image formats.
  • The sporadic problem with the immovable splitbar has beensolved.
  • Our ZIP-Archive routine can now handle ZIPs created by Mac OSX.
  • An error in the MP3-scan, potetnially causing crashes withdefective files, was removed.
  • Communication with the freedb-database was optimized and is nowmore fault-tolerant.
  • Recognition of existing catalogs was improved ans should bemore precise now.

Changes for Version 1.9 (2. November 2003)
  • launching CDWinder is much faster now thanks to the newQuickLaunch Cache.
  • CDWinder can sync the database folder CDWinder and reflect thechanges. That's very handy for network use, sharing a databasefolder on a server. (This feature requires a CDWinder BusinessLicense.)
  • The memory management of catalog data was improved. The amountof memory used by CDWinder for this data can be configured in thenew database preferences dialog.
  • Cataloging of several volumes can now be donesimultaneously
  • CDWinder allows updating of catalogs - catalogs can be updatedto the contents of a volume without losing the input like lables orcomments.
  • As always we have fixed some bugs and glitches (for examplewith the recognition of mixed-mode audio-cd's).

Changes for Version 1.8 (22. June 2003)
  • Cataloging of folders
  • Cataloging of WAV-files
  • Cataloging of AAC-files incl. Tags
  • Cataloging of Tar Archives
  • Improved Cab-Archive cataloging
  • Tooltips enabled for display of additional information oncatalogs or media files
  • Fixed several bugs…

Changes for Version 1.7.1 (3. February 2003)
  • bugfix release, e.g.:
  • fixed several glitches in the new find functions
  • fixed the export-function
  • improved AudioCD-recognition in Win9x (MCI)

Changes for Version 1.7 (15. December 2002)
  • revamped and improved find functionality
  • added wildcard search
    Name, Comment and Any Text 'contains' now allows forwildcards!
  • added source selection
    all catalogs, selected catalog or folder, found objects or cataloginfos only and items with different labels can be chosen as searchsources
  • items can be added to already found ones
  • added support for cataloging CAB-archives
  • added support for the MP3-composer-tag
  • scanning, display and find functionality.
  • added a toolbar !
  • added support for long(er) comments
  • Catalogs and items can carry virtually unlimited comments (waslimited to 255 chars up to now)

Changes for Version 1.6 (31. March 2002)
  • support for labeling the different objects
  • we sport 15 different labels, configurable in thePreferences
  • labels are assignable to the different objects in thedialogs
  • we have label- columns and you can search for labels
  • support for CDFinder labels, and CDFinderFolderInfo
  • support for AudioCD’s, Extended-AudioCD’s through ASPI
  • improved recognition of (Extended-)AudioCD’s
  • added cataloging of ExtendedAudioCD’s (NT4+ only for now!)
  • freedb-support for Windows NT4
  • revamped and improved catalog export
  • new output-format
  • new export-dialog
  • selectable columns
  • definable output

Changes for Version 1.5.1 (19. December2001)
  • The catalog view can now be sorted alphabetically, by using anew preference setting.
  • Media info is now included when exporting found items andcatalog data.
  • CDWinder now detects duplicates before cataloging them andprompts the user for action.
  • Changes in catalogs names are now saved right away.
  • Slight imperfections in the freedb protocol werecorrected.
  • The Batch Catalog function was improved for some glitches inWin9x.

Changes for Version 1.5 (25. November 2001)
  • The Audio Edition
  • CDWinder now supports cataloging AudioCDs ! The title and trackinfos are gathered by utilizing the internet
  • CDWinder now reads the tag info of MP3 files!! The artist,album, title, year, genre, comment, track, and encoding info isprocessed (any version of the tag!). Also the duration and thecompression of every MP3 file is read. Of course, the Findparameters have been extended by adequate new values. The MP3 infois displayed in the new Media-Info column, or in the extendedProperties window.
  • I have added a Batch Cataloging function, to simplifycataloging those piles of AudioCDs (and other media, ofcourse)
  • The new Find parameter 'Any Text' finds text in any of thefields name, comment, version, and MP3 info.
  • The new Find parameter 'Duration' finds the duration of audiofiles (MP3 and CD audio tracks, later more..).
  • The preferences-dialog was adapted based on the newpossibilites, of course.
  • Cataloging in Windows 9x (95/98/SE/Me) should be more stablenow - resource-issues were eliminated and the handling of versioninformation was improved.
  • A problem with cataloging in Virtual PC on Mac OS was fixed -CDWinder used to loop indefinitely on a special directorylink..

Changes for Version 1.2 (29. July 2001)
  • enhanced system integration
  • added opening of files and displaying them in the explorer
  • we show the nicer and more detailed icons in the ListView,too..
  • enhanced media-handling
  • improved and faster cataloging
  • added driveEngine to identify accesible volumes
  • enhanced find-routine
  • added support to find the catalogs (names and comments)
  • added support for deleting catalog folders
  • added some minor enhancements
    - improved the navigation and display in the TreeView
    - we now have some general information in a status bar
    - coordinates of windows and columns are preserved

Changes for Version 1.1.1 (29. April 2001)
  • fixed some bugs in the findEngine
  • findings with extended characters (e.g. german Umlauts) didn'twork properly
  • findings with dates didn't show any results
  • added some minor enhancements
  • we now have some progress-information during startup and findoperations
  • we show nicer and more detailed icons in the item propertydialogs

Changes for Version 1.1 (24. March 2001)
  • added catalog support for Zip-Files
    zip-files are scanned and their contents is added to thecatalog
  • added support for version information
    version of exe, dll, .. files is gathered and stored in thecatalogs
  • added a preferences dialog for these new capabilities
  • added search functions for comments and versioninformation.
  • added catalog folder support
    - create catalog folders to organize your catalogs
    - move catalogs between them (drag'n drop)
    - rename catalog folders
    - extensive information dialogs with statistics
    - display of CDFinder catalog folder comments
  • added rename and comment capability for catalog-objects
  • added export-functionality
    catalogs and found items can be exported to tab-separated textfiles.
  • added menu-shortcuts for the most important functions
  • added sorting capablities for catalogs in the list view

Changes for Version 1.0.1 (14. January 2001)Fastspring
  • fixed: Problem with incorrect size recognition of largeharddisks in Win9x
  • fixed: Problem with Volumenames containing characters invalidfor filenames
  • added: usability of the find-dialog
  • Lookup for found items in the main window.
  • Min/Max-buttons.
  • key navigation (tab, return) in the find-dialog.
  • added: Splitbar between the main window elements..

First release of CDWinder 1.0 (18. December2000)

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Who we are., Presetpro Inc. Our website address:

Personal data that we collect and why we collect it.

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To improve your experience on our website, we and our trusted third-party services use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our website and collect personal data. We use cookies to help us understand our website traffic and for remarketing and re-engagement online marketing purposes.

FastSpring Ecommerce Platform

Our website partners with FastSpring for all payments and transactions. FastSpring is a third-party secure service that makes products available for sale through an ecommerce platform. They do so as an independent ecommerce reseller of our products. By making a purchase through FastSpring, you consent to the collection, use, transfer, and disclosure of personal data by FastSpring in the manner described in FastSpring’s Privacy Policy and Terms.FastSpring collects the personal data that you provide in connection with your purchase. FastSpring provides us with secure access to some of your data in order to fulfill obligations to customers such as but not limited to communication, after-sales services, technical support, and reporting purposes. To learn more about how FastSpring uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here.

Comments left on our website.

When visitors leave comments on our website we collect the data shown in the comment form. We also collect the visitor’s IP address, and browser user agent string to help with spam detection. If you leave a comment on our website you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to our third-party Gravatar service. Our Gravatar service’s privacy policy is available here: After your comment is approved, your profile picture is visible to the public in conjunction with your comment.

Contact Forms

We use a third-party service called Ninja Forms for our contact page. Ninja Forms are WordPress form builders that allow us to easily customize email forms for our website. Ninja Forms collect your submitted information so that we can respond to your inquiries. Click here to learn more about Ninja Forms’Privacy Policy and Terms.

Email Subscription Lists

Our website uses a third-party service called MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC), as our automation platform to manage our email subscriber lists. MailChimp sends emails to our subscribers who double opt-in and consent to receive our weekly and monthly newsletters. Our newsletters consist of free presets and promotions. MailChimp uses cookies and other tracking technologies for performance reasons, functionality, remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. You can opt-out of our subscription list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email that you receive from us or by contacting us at Click here to learn more about MailChimp’s Privacy Policyand Terms. To learn more about how MailChimp uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here.

Our website also uses a third-party service called MailMunch. MailMunch provides us with professional email opt-in templates and forms so our users can easily subscribe to our newsletter. MailMunch integrates and with our MailChimp email subscriber list.To learn more about how MailMunch uses cookies and other tracking technologies please refer to their Privacy Policy and Terms.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

Articles on this website may include third-party embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites may collect personal data, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content. Your interactions with the embedded content and its features are governed by the privacy policy of the website providing the embedded content.


Our website uses a third-party service called Google Analytics. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand our website traffic, and for remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. By using this website, you consent to the processing of personal data by Google Analytics in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms and for the purposes set out above. Google uses cookies and/or device identifiers to serve ads based on past visits to our website. Google will show our remarketing ads, re-engagement ads, and remarketing pixels on websites across the internet. To learn more about how Google Analytics uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here. Visitors can opt-out of Google’s use of cookies or device identifiers by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. Alternatively, visitors can opt-out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page or control the use of device identifiers by using their device’s settings.

Who we share your data with.

Social Media Sites, Widgets, Embedded Content, and Plug-ins

Our website interfaces with third-party social media sites, widgets, embedded content, and plug-ins. If you are a member of a social media site, the interfaces may allow the social media site to connect your visits to this site and with other personal data. If you choose to “like” or “share” information from this website through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. Your interactions with third-party embedded content, social media sites, widgets, plug-ins, and their features are governed by the privacy policy and terms of the website or company providing it.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand our website traffic, and for remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. Google uses cookies and/or device identifiers to serve ads based on past visits to our website. Google will show our remarketing ads, re-engagement ads, and remarketing pixels on websites across the internet. By using or accessing this website, you consent to the processing of personal data by Google Analytics in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms and for the purposes set out above. To learn more about how Google Analytics uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here. Visitors can opt-out of Google’s use of cookies or device identifiers by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. Alternatively, visitors can opt-out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page or control the use of device identifiers by using their device’s settings.

FastSpring Ecommerce Platform

Our website uses a secure third-party eCommerce platform called FastSpring for all payments and transactions. FastSpring is a service that makes products available for sale through an eCommerce platform. They do so as an independent e-commerce reseller of our products. FastSpring collects the personal data that you provide in connection with your purchase. FastSpring provides us with secure access to your data in order to fulfill obligations to customers such as but not limited to; communication, after-sales services, technical support, and reporting purposes. By making a purchase through FastSpring, you consent to the processing of your personal data by FastSpring in the manner described in FastSpring’s Privacy Policyand Terms. To learn more about how FastSpring uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here.


Our website uses a third-party service called MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC), as our automation platform to manage our email subscriber lists. MailChimp sends emails to our subscribers who double opt-in and consent to receive our weekly and monthly newsletters. Our newsletters consist of free presets and promotions. MailChimp uses cookies and other tracking technologies for performance reasons, functionality, and for remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. Click here to learn more about MailChimp’s Privacy Policyand Terms. To learn more about how MailChimp uses cookies and other tracking technologies Click Here.


Our website also uses a third-party service called MailMunch. MailMunch provides us with professional email opt-in templates and forms so our users can easily subscribe to our newsletter. MailMunch integrates with our MailChimp email subscriber list.To learn more about how MailMunch uses cookies and other tracking technologies please refer to their Privacy Policyand Terms.

How long we retain your data.

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If you leave a comment on our website, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue. For users that register on our website, we also securely store the personal information they provide in their user profile.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand our website traffic and for remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. Google uses cookies and/or device identifiers to serve ads based on past visits to our website. Google will show our remarketing ads, re-engagement ads, and remarketing pixels on websites across the internet. We have set our Google Analytics account to retain personal data for the minimum period allowed, which is 14 months. To learn more about how Google Analytics collects personal data please refer to their Privacy Policy and Terms. Visitors can opt-out of Google’s use of cookies or device identifiers by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. Alternatively, visitors can opt-out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page or control the use of device identifiers by using their device’s settings.

FastSpring Ecommerce Platform

Our website uses a third-party service called FastSpring for all payments and transactions. When they collect or transmit personal data they use industry-standard methods to protect that information. To learn more about how long FastSpring Ecommerce Platform will retain your personal data please refer to their Privacy Policy and Terms.

Email Subscriptions

Our website uses a third-party service called MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group, LLC), as our automation platform to manage our email subscriber lists. MailChimp sends emails to our subscribers who double opt-in and consent to receive our weekly and monthly newsletters. MailChimp uses cookies and other tracking technologies for performance reasons, functionality, and remarketing and re-engagement online advertising purposes. To learn more about MailChimp’s data retention periods, Click Here. To learn more about MailChimp please refer to their Privacy Policyand Terms. You can opt-out of our subscription list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any subscribed emails that you receive from us or by contacting us at

What rights you have over your data.

You have the right to unsubscribe to our MailChimp email campaigns at any time. Visitors can opt-out of Google’s use of cookies or device identifiers by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. Alternatively, visitors can opt-out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page or control the use of device identifiers by using their device’s settings. If you have any questions regarding any personal data that we hold about you please contact us at

How we protect your data.

We use a secure server for our website. All supplied information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Your payment information is retained and processed through our secure third-party ecommerce platform FastSpring, which is only accessible by those authorized with special access rights to such systems. After a transaction, your payment information will not be stored on our servers. Please see above for more information on FastSpring’s Privacy Policyand Terms.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

How to download powerpoint on mac for free. This website is not directed at nor targeted to children. If you have not reached the age of majority or are not able to enter into legally binding agreements in your country, you may not use this website unless supervised by an adult. Our goal is to comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to the collection and use of information from children as such term is identified by applicable laws.

Breach Notification

If we are made aware of any data breaches we will report this information to the relevant authorities within 72 hours. We will also inform the individuals who have been impacted by the breach.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy without notice. If we make any changes to our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.

Our Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy please contact us at