I have a Chromebook VPN user who has been successfully connecting to her remote workstation daily for a few months now, using the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (for Chromebook), which is found in the Google Play repository. Very recently, her Window 10 (1809) workstation completed some minor updates. The Chrome Remote Desktop app lets you control any of your computers over the internet. That includes Windows 10 PCs. This can come in handy say if you bring your Chromebook with you to a coffee. Chrome Remote Desktop The easy way to remotely connect with your home or work computer, or share your screen with others. Securely access your computer whenever you're away, using your phone. At the time, other devices had to use Microsoft Silverlight to play videos from Netflix. Later in that same month, Citrix released a client application for Chrome OS, allowing Chromebooks to access Windows applications and desktops remotely.
Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions
Share your suggested feature requests for Parallels Desktop for Mac in this forum. Vote for the ideas you love and share the new ones!
Latest:[in progress] OpenGL 3 Support (list of app titles and their status inside)GustavoN1,Apr 22, 2021 at 8:23 AMInstallation and Configuration
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Latest:License reached its activation limit. Can not transfer to my new macRSWorden,Apr 22, 2021 at 9:58 AMWindows Guest OS Discussion
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Latest:What will run on Mac M1 processor?PaulFryer,Apr 22, 2021 at 11:47 AMMac OS X Guest OS Discussion
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Latest:Coherence mode grey desktopMatthewS25,Apr 22, 2021 at 9:26 PMLinux Guest OS Discussion
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Latest:[patch] Support for kernel 5.11.1 (Parallels Tools Fine,Apr 22, 2021 at 3:34 AMOther Guest OS Types Discussion
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Latest:Android 9 (and above?) on Parallels 15EmM,Apr 17, 2021 at 6:03 AMGeneral Questions
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Latest:Unable to locate the Parallels Transporter Agent for Linux downloadcircularreference,Apr 22, 2021 at 6:38 PMParallels Provider for Vagrant
Using plugin for Vagrant with Parallels Desktop for Mac
Latest:Add additional disksFusionX86,Apr 12, 2021
- Latest:No printers Windows10 build 21359ZoltanM,Apr 22, 2021 at 10:29 PM
- Latest:Toolbox license has reached activation limitMaria@Parallels,Apr 21, 2021 at 8:48 PM
Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions
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Latest:Convert .HEIC to .JPEGEricC21,Apr 22, 2021 at 4:29 AM- Latest:Record Screen not working properlyJen4,Apr 8, 2021
Installation and Configuration
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Latest:Parralels Acess - Low Frames on browser accessMikaelO1,Apr 19, 2021 at 3:09 PMAccount and Subscription Management
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Latest:Can I change parallel acoount email without original account infomation?TszKinH,Apr 22, 2021 at 6:31 PMAccessing your Mac
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Latest:Will Parallels Access run on iPad M1?EvgenyG2,Apr 21, 2021 at 12:57 PMAccessing your PC
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Latest:先日はParallels Desktop 16 for Mac アップグレード版を購入しました。全然使い物になりません。LUOY1,Apr 18, 2021 at 5:44 AMParallels Access and Parallels Desktop for Mac
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Latest:Need a refund - license renewed automatically without my permissionMaria@Parallels,Apr 10, 2021General Questions
Post your question about Parallels Access here if it doesn't fit into any of the categories above
Latest:Parallels for Web DesigningNihitT,Apr 21, 2021 at 2:41 AM
Parallels Remote Application Server
Parallels Remote Application Server is a solution for virtual application and desktop delivery.
Latest:Installing RAS RD Session Host AgentDavidD46,Apr 16, 2021 at 8:20 AM- Latest:Microsoft Teams OptimizationTobiasS8,Mar 29, 2021
- Latest:Paralles Windows Client cannot connect out of HTML5 PortalEugene. K.,Mar 23, 2021
- Latest:Use Powershell to logoff users from a particular Published Appjpc,Jul 23, 2020
- Latest:Android / Samsung Dex - RDP - Double Letters / Characters typing / keyboardTylerB10,Apr 22, 2021 at 2:39 PM
- Latest:Mouse jumping in Parallels Client RDPChristopherR17,Apr 7, 2021
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- Latest:networkdomain error 2PavlaN,Apr 22, 2021 at 3:25 AM
- Latest:A printer is not setted as default in RDP-sessionAndreyOliveira,Mar 25, 2021
- Latest:Windows Phone errorJeffN4,Apr 5, 2019
- Latest:Something went wrong. Please try again later - Getting error on ChromebookMikhailU@Parallels,Mar 25, 2021
- Latest:SCCM 2103 supported?AhtiV,Apr 20, 2021 at 6:10 AM
- Latest:Add support for variables in configuration profilesRyanM20,May 27, 2020
Parallels Mobile Device Management
Parallels Mobile Device Management is a platform to manage and secure your mobile devices.
Latest:Can I use Parallel over a VPN?NihitT,Apr 14, 2021
Hi there!

Thank you for choosing Apps4Rent! We trust you are enjoying our services.
Many of our customers would prefer to access their Virtual Desktops from their Chromebooks. The Remote Desktop client for Android and Chromebook can be used to access Windows apps and desktops directly from Google devices. This guide would be of assistance should you require to access your remote desktop from Chromebooks.
Microsoft Rdp Client For Chromebook Free

Accessing Cloud Desktop Using Chromebook
What will you need?
Microsoft Rdp Client Activex
Please refer to our email with the subject line “Welcome Email.” This email has important information for your easy access to Cloud Desktop. Please keep this information safe:
- Desktop Name/RDP Host Name/IP
- Username
- Password
We have provided you the credentials to login to your cloud desktop. Now you have all the information that you need, let’s get started.

Setting up Remote Desktop Connection
- Go to Google Play Store and download the Remote Desktop Services application
- Launch the app after installation
- After clicking on the Accept button, the following screen appears:
- Click on the + symbol in the Connection Center.
- Select Desktop from the menu.
- Add PC or Server
- Add the credentials from the email. Under the PC Name, enter the Desktop name/RDP Host name/IP provided to you.
- Enter your username too.
- There is an option to save the credentials on the device if you plan to access the Virtual Machine frequently from the device.
- Add your username and password provided once prompted. Click Save.
- Click on the newly added Remote Desktop to start a session.
Local storage redirection can be enabled at two stages.
Follow the steps below if you have not yet set up the remote desktop connection.
- After selecting the Desktop option in the Connection Center in the Microsoft Remote Desktop Services application, you will be asked for the credentials.
- Expand Show additional options.
- Select the Redirect local storage option.
- Tap on the Save button.
Follow the steps below if you want to map the drive at a later stage.
- Tap on the three dots (…) to expand More options for the Virtual Desktop.
- Click on Edit and then Redirect local storage from the Show additional options menu.
- Save the changes.