Vectorial Map

  1. Vectorial Maps Lite Android
  2. Vectorial Map Viewer
  3. Vectorial Map Viewer Download
  4. Vectorial Map Ios

Download 19,569 map icon free vectors. Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide! The maps will be published in phases, starting with Class E airport maps (published April 27, 2017). For more information about UAS Facility Maps, please see these Frequently Asked Questions. View all UAS Facility Maps and grids; View an example UAS Facility Map (PDF) View a list of UAS Facility Maps (MS Excel).

One of the biggest new features is the vectorial map. The maindifference between this new plan and the older maps is that new plansallow to add items and modify them. For example, you can add a rectangleand change its size, rotate it or move it. All items can manage thesekinds of transformation.


  • Z Positioning : each item is added above the previous ones.
  • Infinite Plan Size
  • Zooming Up
  • Zooming Down
  • Move the camera on the plan
  • Amend item on map (Add, upsize, downsize, move, rotate, delete)
  • Management of Character Token
  • These token can show a picture of character.
  • Add images
  • These images can be animated (gif…)
  • Management of collision
  • Item can be placed into set (ground, object or character)
  • Opacity
  • others…

Make a new vectorial map

You just have to go on file menu then to go in the new submenuthen Vectorial Map A dialog opens:

  • The title appears at the top of the map frame. It makes easier tofind it in your workspace.
  • The background color is used as global color of the map (default:white).
  • The visibility defines how your players see the map. Hidden meansthey see nothing. Fog Of War hides all map’s elements (you can amandthe fog to make visible some elements). Visible, all map items canbe seen by the players. You can change the visibility at any momentin the game).
  • Permission Mode describes which actions players can do. You canchange it at any moment.
  • Grid scheme defines the shape of the grid: ne scheme (no grid),square grid, hexagonal grid.
  • You can change the Grid color.
  • The size set how many pixels one single grid scheme is.
  • The scale defines in the unit of your choice the size of one gridscheme.

Open Vectorial map

You have to click on File > Open > Vectorial Map. Open filedialog appears. You must find the map on your computer. The extensionfor vectorial map is .vmap.

Graphic Item available

Tool box

Color selector

The first square is the current color. Double-click on it causes theappearance of a color selector dialog. By clicking on the multi-colorsquare, you can select the hue of the current color. You can make itdarker or lighter with the last slide bar.

Edition Mode

There are three edition modes.

  • Normal to paint on the map
  • Veil to hide some part of the map with fog of war.
  • Unveil to make visible some part of the map by cutting the fog ofwar.

After changing the mode, you just have to use regular painting tools.Given the mode, painting has effect on the right element (map or fog ofwar).


You can paint line which follow your mouse.The diameter selector defines the width of the line.You can move the item but changing its curve is not supported.

Straight Line

You must define two points to add straight line to the map: the startingpoint and the ending point.The diameter selector defines the width of the line.You can move the item and change the position of starting point orending point.

Empty Rectangle

You can add empty rectangle on the map.The diameter selector defines the width of the border.You can move the rectangle and change its size by moving its corner.

Filled Rectangle

Vectorial Map

You can add Filled rectangle on the map.You can move the rectangle and change its size by moving its corner.

Empty Ellipse

You can add empty ellipse on the map.The diameter selector defines the width of the border.You can move the rectangle and change its size by moving its twohandles.


Filled Ellipse

You can add Filled ellipse on the map.You can move the rectangle and change its size by moving its twohandles.


Add text element on the map. The text can be changed. The border definesthe maximum width of the text. The text is wrapped automatically. Thezone height adapts itself given the number of line. It is possible toadd blank line manually to improve the readability. The text itemmanages HTML. To make it possible, you may paste webpage, the formattingis the same or directly you can edit the text thank of the rich texteditor.

This editor allows modifications of properties of the text: Color, size,font, underline, italic… It supports the copy/paste. You can create alist. It is also possible to edit html code.


This tool allows to catch items on the map and move them. It is alsouseful to catch control square to make bigger or rotate the item (Ctrl +Mouse motion) It is also possible to move the item the whole map bykeeping pressed the Shift pressed and clicking on the map.


This tool gets the distance between two points on the map given thecurrent defined scale.


Path is several lines. It can be closed and filled (right-click on thepath) and each point can be moved individually.


It is possible to make a item anchored on another. This defines aparenthood relationship. If A is anchored on B. B is the parent of A. IfB is moved, A is moved as well. If A is moved, B does not move.

This feature makes easier any vehicles. You can move the vehicle, whichmeans you move all passengers.

Color Picker

Click on any item. Its color becomes the current color.

Diameter Tool

Many items such as path, empty rectangle, empty ellipse, line and penuse the diamter value to paint itself. The value can not be changedynamically. When the item is created, it reads the value and keep it.


You can add PNJ, you can define the NPC name. The Plus symbol is thetool to add NPC on map. The NPC number est increase after adding NPC onmap. It is possible to reset that number by clicking on the counterbutton.


This tool allows you to define the opacity of the current item. It canbe changed dynamically.

Tool bar

To show/hide the tool bar, you can press F9 key.

Background Color

You can change the current color of the map.


There is all you need to control the grid. First, the button toshow/hide the grid. Then, you can chose the grid scheme: no scheme,square or hexagon. if the current scheme is no scheme, the grid will notbe visible. You can change the size of grid scheme or its unit.


The permission defines the action that player can do on the map. Thereare 3 permission modes.

  • Only GM: in this mode, players have no rights.
  • Character: players can move their character items.
  • All : players can do whatever they want.


There are 3 visibility mode:

  • Hidden: all items are hidden. Only the GM can see them all.
  • Fog of war: Item are under the fog of war, the GM can erase the fogof war to show part of the map (details see edition mode).
  • Visible : all items are visible.

Contextual Menu (right-click)

From the contextual menu on vectorial map, you can control many aspects from the map or selected items.All actions are reachable from the menu. At the top of it, there are actions for selected items.The second part is dedicated to amend properties of map.

  • Change current layer.
  • Change the visibility.
  • Zoom in makes items bigger.
  • Zoom out allows you to see more items on the map (they will appearsmaller).
  • Zoom in Max makes items bigger at the maximum value.
  • Zoom normal set the zoom level to 1 meaning no zoom.
  • Zoom out Max makes the scene fit as much as possible the view.
  • Import image from your computer to the map.
  • “Properties” displays dialog box with parameters for vectorial map.You can change parameters from it.

SubMenu: Overlapping [Item]

Selected Items can be the lowest, the highest, or just lower or higher than their current position.

SubMenu: Rotation [Item]

Rotate selected Items (the center of rotation is the item center).

SubMenu: Layers [Item]

Put item in a specific layer.

SubMenu: Resize [Item]

Resize selected items given rules.

SubMenu: Layers [Maps]

Set the current layer. Only items in this layer can be edited.

SubMenu: Visibility [Maps]

Define how players see the map.

SubMenu: Roll initiative [Maps]

Roll initiative.

SubMenu: Roll initiative [Maps]

Unset initiative value.

SubMenu: Zoom [Maps]

Zoom in or out.


  • Down puts current item under items below it.
  • Up puts current item above all items which hide it.
  • Bottom puts the current item under all others.
  • Top puts current item above all others.
  • Delete the current item (You can also select an item and press thekey Del).
  • Duplicate creates a copy of the current item (same color and size).
  • Rotate allows you to select precisely the angle of rotation.
  • Change the layer where current item belongs to.


  • Close the path closes the path geometry (line between the lastpoint to the first one).
  • Fill the path fill the path with its color.


  • Edit the text… opens the text editor
  • Adapt to content makes the item to shape itself close to itscontent.
  • Font Size allows you to increase or decrease the font size.

Several Items

  • Delete removes current items supprime (press key Del).
  • Down puts current items under items below them.
  • Up puts current items above items which hide them.
  • Bottom puts current items under all others.
  • Top puts current items above all others.
  • Lock up prevents item to change size.
  • Rotate allows you to define the rotation angle precisely on allcurrent items.
  • Current layer set all current items into another layer.
  • Normalize size changes the size of the selection to fit one ofthese rules: as the smallest, as the biggest, as average or as theone under the mouse.

Layers management

Layers are set of items. There are dedicated to define interactions youcan have with them. We recommend to add first ground items, then to putobject items and at the end, add character into the map.

Warning, layers do not manage the overlapping of items. You can controlit thank of the contextual menu.

Each item belongs to one and only one layer. You can change thelayer of item with the contextual menu. You can define the current layerof the map. Which means new items will be added at this layer. Bydefault, it is the ground. You can only edit item from the currentlayer.

To make it simple, it is possible to use only one layer.


Items belongs to the ground and character token cannot enter incollision with them.


Items inside this layer can enter in collision with character token (ifCollision is enable of course).


Item inside this layer can enter in collision with item from Objectlayer (if Collision is enable of course). Windows excel for mac free download.

Fog of war

The fog of war can be enable from the toolbar. It hides the map underblack screen. This black screen is fully opaque for players buthalf-transparent for the GM. To modify the fog of war to make appearitems, you have to set the proper edition mode and select any tool fromthe toolbox.

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Black World Map Vector Image

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World maps are one of the examples of time-consuming things to do. Some of those have to be very detailed because of the small islands in them. There are instances where you have to catch a deadline and surely there will be massive pressure. However, world map vectors have been created and made to give designers a great time.

Green World Map Illustration

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You can find only a few free world map vectors because they are not that easy to create. Those free ones are also not the best that you can get. As they, you pay for what you get. Just expect what qualities you get for free. On the other hand, there are many great world map vectors around but you have to pay for them. Why worry about money when you can save time?

Word Cloud World Map Vectors

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Vectorial Maps Lite Android

Vector World Map with Capitals

Vectorial Map Viewer

Old World Map Image

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Vectorial Map Viewer Download

Old Map Vector Illustration

Vectorial Map Ios

Floral World Map Vector

World map vectors can be found on the web in different formats like .psd, .eps, .ai, and .svg. A good and careful research are needed to be able to come across great vectors. There are different kinds of world map vectors. Some of the famous world map vectors are the Black Water World Vector map, Blue and Green World Vector map, Africa centered world vector map, Political World Vector map, Old Style World map, and Globes vector map. In Africa Centered world vector map, the oceans appears to be highlighted in blue. Old Style World map is usually available in .jpeg format and are best to be used on business cards and brochures.

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