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GTFO is a coop horror game in which player observes the events from FPP perspective. The production emphasis the cooperative mode and allows four players to control soldiers with firearms and various gadgets. Cooperate with other players to survive and find the way out.
GTFO is a 4-player hardcore co-op action horror FPS. You and your friends will explore hostile and terrifying environments where, in an instant, you are thrown from edge-of-your-seat suspense to frantic action. It's a large-scale experience, testing players in their ability to gear up and adapt to an endless string of unknown and ever-changing challenges.
Every expedition in GTFO is unique and the game lets you make informed decisions on what equipment and weapons to bring - but even then survival is not guaranteed.
GTFO throws so many curveballs and unknown factors at you that you and your team always have to stay on your toes - and the atmosphere is suffocatingly tense. It's nerve wracking to play even for us developers! If you're easily scared, wear your brown pants.
GTFO was released on December 9, 2019.
Story[edit | edit source]
GTFO is about a team of four people trapped in an underground Complex, kept there against their will, forced down into the depths to carry out different objectives for this unknown entity called the Warden. The underground Complex has been abandoned for many years and it's been overrun by flesh-eating, grotesque monsters, and you want to get out of there.
As you progress deeper into the Complex, the story will be told not only by the characters themselves, but by clues and hints found in the environment.
More information about the story here.
Characters[edit | edit source]
There are 4 playable characters in GTFO:
- Hackett: An Irish native described as cynical and comical but reliable.
- Bishop: A distrustful and pragmatic English who is interested in getting the job done.
- Woods: A thoughtful American who believes in deeper meaning.
- Dauda: A determined and cunning but secretive Nigerian.
The dialogue system in GTFO is fluid and dynamic. Depending on what type of action and atmosphere players are experiencing, the banter between the characters will change reflexively.
More information about the characters here.
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
GTFO players form a team of four scavengers who are forced to explore the vast underground complex while searching for valuable artifacts. Complicating the process is the presence of hideous monsters, who have overrun the whole area. The players must gather resources to survive, and work to unearth the answers about the past and how to escape.
GTFO requires teamwork to solve puzzles, and for finding items.
- Hacking: Some lockers and doors can be hacked opened/to retrieve whatever is inside, like keycards, ammo packs, medpacks, etc.
- Bioscan: Some doors require a bioscan for entry. All players present in the current play session must stand in the highlighted area.
- Stealth: Although some of us might prefer to just barge in and slay the horrors rambo-style, it can be a tremendous waste of resources and there is no reward for this approach. If we assume ammo and health are limited, then triggering too many hordes will result in running dry and leaving us with only melee and low health. Therefore, quiet creeping might be the preferred method of moving through the Complex.
- Engaging combat: Monsters will impede player progress to the next objective, but players should only engage them because they stand in the way or pose a threat to your ability to scavenge or complete the objective, not because the act of killing them in itself is rewarding in any way. Therefore, players should kill enemies in the most controlled way you can, such as a crouched approach with sledgehammer.
- Progression: GTFO has no leveling system.
More information about the gameplay here.
Features[edit | edit source]
- 4 player co-op: Invite friends or join a random group to face the nightmare plunge into the unknown depths of the Complex together.
- Terrifying monsters: From split-faced mutant minions that eject tentacles to giants mutants, you won't be able to relax until it's all over.
- Visceral gore: Popping heads of monsters with well-aimed shots can be bloody, but so is smashing mutant skulls with a sledgehammer.
- Unique weapons and tools: A fast-firing smg with a large magazine is good for laying waste to the lesser minions, and for tougher, special monsters you can use the high-powered machine-gun. For the real fireworks though, set up a sentry gun or even trip mines to do the job for you.
- Evolving storyline: Instead of a campaign mode to tell the story of the Complex and the Warden, the truth is revealed through a series of free post-release updates.
- Teamwork and puzzles: More than focusing fire to slay the Horde, GTFO requires teamwork to progress through the Complex. Locked gates need keys or passcodes that can be acquired through coordination among the players to find and use.
- Challenging encounters: The developers are focused on putting a lot of layered challenges in GTFO, and by mixing and matching these challenges (different enemies combined with different environmental hazards combined with different expedition objectives) they create interesting but difficult gameplay experiences.
- Absolutely no P2W (pay-to-win) or loot boxes: Skill and teammates are all that is needed in GTFO, and there will never be pay-to-win microtransactions or overpowered weapons to buy.
More information about the features here.
Environments[edit | edit source]

10 Chambers released a screenshot showing a dank room with low fog. Spread around the room are approximately 25 enemy nest eggs or pods. Very similar to the movie 'Alien'.Some objects read 'caution', possibly explosive fuel tanks to be used to clear hordes.
- Ladders are easily climbable. Simply walk into it (or away from it) and the animation begins (or ends).
- Enemies can breach doors with force.
- Resource boxes contain various ammos and medpacks. Ammo packs can include standard ammo for primary weapons, special ammo for secondary weapons, and/or class ammo for tools.
- Maps: The developers have created tools in order to to create levels more effectively, which then they personally touch up to make sure it's perfect for what they have had in mind.
More information about the environment here.
Audio[edit | edit source]
- Music Cues: Dynamic system that reflects what is currently happening. In stealth, the music is eerie and somber, but for a Horde onslaught, the music escalates to hectic and intense.
- Enemy Cues: Atmospheric sound in games not only provide ambience in the environment for immersion, but offer clues as to what is happening and about to happen. The Horde rallying cry is well known, the Shadow scream is unmistakable, the squishy sound is a Scout's floating feelers, and the slithering crawler will hiss at your feet.

Replayability[edit | edit source]
- The replayability of the missions will be high, as enemy and loot spawns are randomized.
External link[edit | edit source]
The Matchmaking Alpha is released together with Rundown #004! We will continue to develop matchmaking features until it is feature complete. Please follow the progressing in the backlog section.Also; be on the lookout for teasers and 'leaks' from the development, on the official GTFO Discord server!
/10 Chambers Collective
- Test the network functionality and make sure everything is holding up
- First pass of gathering bugs, crashes and game balancing data
- One playable Expedition in one Environment (environment)
- All players get a set inventory of weapons and tools to try out (no gear progression)
- You can only play with the friends on your Steam account
- No persistent inventory
- No in game voice chat

- Support for small incremental game updates
- Decide on hardware specifications
- Quick restart of Expeditions
- “Friends only” matchmaking
- Support for drop-in joining
- “Warden objective” system update
- Weapons specific for Closed Alpha 1
- Tools specific for Closed Alpha 1
- Player Character 1
- Player Character 2
- Player Character 3
- Player Character 4
- Basic menu options for input and graphics
- Data gathering/Analytics (for future game balancing)
Closed Alpha 1 tutorial videos- Default set of enemy abilities
- Placement in level of temp-loot and consumable items
- Expedition updates and bug fixes to the level
- Update elevator sequence graphics
- Bug fixing and optimization
- Fire animations on the weapons
- Weapon reload animations
- Menu update, flow and graphics
- Playtests in office
- Gameplay and communication fixes from feedback
- Glue/Foam system update for doors
- Improved melee targeting and communication
- First version of player ping system and updated player compass
- Shader driven GUI system
- New models for consumables
- Player HUD Update
- Feature Creep
- Family time: Vacation
- Pre-Alpha testing
- Sneaking mechanic updates
- Sights and tool graphic updates
- New elevator design
- Text chat
- Simple version of the ping system
- HUD update
Improved hacking minigames

- Test critical parts of GTFO leading up to the Early Access
- During this period there will be one or more betas containing limited parts of the game
- A beta can contain one or more expeditions and a limited set of features depending on what we need to test
- You can only play with friends on your Steam account
- Analyze Alpha 1, gather feedback and issues
- Optimization pass
- Move the development of GTFO from theory to practice by releasing it into the wild
- Develop all the major features needed until we reach version 1.0
- Reduce the financial risk of the project
- Access to the latest stabilized version of GTFO
- The experience will vary depending on whats present in the Rundown
- Initially, no persitent inventory or weapon drops
- No Matchmaking, friends only. Matchmaking needs to be done in a way that fits the demanding teamplay of GTFO, until then Early Access is friends only.
- No in game voice chat for now

- Rundown #001 (Six Expeditions)
- New Environment: 'Refinery'
- New Weapon: Combat Shotgun
- New Tool: Sentry shotgun
- Expedition progression save system
- Additional settings exposed
- Testing and bug fixing
- General frame cost optimizations
- Memory optimizations
- Fix for combat music gettings stuck
- Fix for the worst cases of framerate stuttering
- Fix that makes 'Exclusive Fullscreen' mode more performant in some systems
- New challenges! Variation in terms of objectives and expedition environment
- Bug fixes and tweaks based on feedback
- New Expeditions: Planning
- New Expeditions: Implement new warden objective logic
- New Environment: 'Dig Site'
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier A
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier B
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier C
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier D
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier E
- Support for rundown specific gear
- New Gear: Burst Rifle, Machinepistol, Updated Machinegun
- New Consumable(s): To be revealed
- New Enemy variations: Will not be revealed:)
- Improved weapon sounds
- PAX East with Overtone
- On Screen liquid system
- Bug hunter group applications process
- Bug fixing
- Final testing
- New environment, updated Warden Objectives.
- Bug fixes and tweaks based on feedback
- New Expeditions: Planning
- New Environment: 'Lab'
- Updated Objectives
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier A
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier B
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier C
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier D
- New Gear: To be revealed
- New Consumables: To be revealed
- New Enemy variations: Will not be revealed:)
- Bug fixing
- Final testing
Gtfo Steam Key
- New environment, enemies and weapons
- Systems work to prepare for future updates
- New Expeditions: Planning
- Summer Vacation and family time
- Update to Unity 2019 LTS
- New Environment: 'Datacenter'
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier A
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier B
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier C
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier D
- Backend updates for future features
- Expeditions with layered difficulty
- Rundown specific story elements
- New Gear: To be revealed
- New Consumables: To be revealed
- New Enemy variations: Will not be revealed:)
- Sounds for new weapons
- Bug fixing
- Final testing
- R#004.Ext
- New environment, updated warden objectives, more variation.
- Systems work to prepare for future updates
- Rundown Planning
- Christmas Vacation
- Recruit Bug Hunters
- New Environment: To be revealed
- New Dangers: Will not be revealed
- System updates: To be revealed
- Weapon balancing
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier A
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier B
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier C
- Level design and testing iterations - Tier D
- Bug fixing
- Final testing
Gtfo Steam Sale
- The GTFO Early Access backlog gives an overview of the bigger features we are looking at implementing during the time GTFO is in Early Access.
- We will not promise specific dates for the backlog items but rather move them into production when it's time.
- The backlog will be updated, we believe in the items we put here, but things can always happen that makes them change.
- Matchmaking: Ticketing backend
- Matchmaking: Menus
- Matchmaking: Voice Chat
- Matchmaking: Kick / Ban
- Matchmaking: Server Migration
- Matchmaking: Matchmake with groups
- Player character customization
- Expedition rewards
- Gear progression
- Progression linked expeditions
- Menu localization
- Steam achievements
- Gamepad support
- Updated weapon animations
- Updated player melee animations
Gtfo Steam Key
- More Enemies
- More Warden objectives
- More Environments
- More Gear
- More Consumables
- More Hacking Minigames
- More Level interaction from terminal system